Happy New Year!!
I was so ready for 2014 even though it's going to be a little bit on the crazy and hectic side, I am determined to be positive and STOP WORRYING. Think that's probably a lot of people's resolution, so let's all try it this year!
This will be the year that I WILL:
- Complete my Primary PGCE (this one will fill me with such glee!)
- Keep trying new and healthy recipes (and post them on here!)
- Keep a memory jar and update it every day
- Be more positive and more patient with the people around
- Keep practising my French
- Plan more travels for 2014 and beyond!
Any great new year's resolutions to share? How did you spend NYE? I had a very quiet one in, cooking and watching Lord of the Rings, well come on, I'm clearly not 18 anymore!! #granny
Sophia x