Showing posts with label currently. Show all posts
Showing posts with label currently. Show all posts

Small, happy and currently...

Well hello there one and all, it's the weekend! I have basically given myself today off and I am currently on my second movie of the day (Crazy, Stupid love featuring the gift from heaven that is Ryan Gosling) and it made me want to write another 'currently' post because I love them and love reading other people's so if you do these please share yours! 

Booking: flights to New York! We found the most incredible deal on sta travel last night (£364 RETURN!) and decided to get our summer American adventure started! We aren't quite sure of our route yet but we're hoping to tick off some new places and that I can revisit the happiest place on earth while I'm at it!!

Reading: Mindy Kaling's Why not me? I just love her writing style and she really makes me laugh out loud. I just hear her voice as I'm reading and her second collection of essays is just as good as the first! 

Cooking: Everything with a spiralizer, still obsessed!

Watching: Parks and Rec! Now the boyfriend is loving it too, it's so nice to share the fun with someone.

Planning: lots of catch ups with people, this is one resolution that's going pretty wel! :)

Feeling: this cold snap! Either snow enough so that we get a snow day or don't snow at all, simple really Mother Nature.

Hoping: that Leo finally gets his Oscar! I haven't seen The Revenant yet but I think he deserves it purely for contribution to cinema! (Yes, I realise that sadly it does not work like this)

Feeling: like time is already flying by, this just seems to be the theme of my mid 20s so I might as well just enjoy it!

How are you all doing? Anything you're watching or reading that you want to share? 

Happy Sunday!


Small, happy and currently! #5

Well helloooo there!

So, I haven't done one of these in a while and I love being able to have a little recap of life at the minute! Here's what I'm currently enjoying, loving, thinking at the minute!

Dreaming...about being in Portugal seeing my family in summer. Just look at that perfect beach! 

Feeling...excited for my birthday! Just need to get my voice back...#littlemermaidoverhere

Loving...the new Glamour this month, having Taylor Swift as guest editor? Genius! My girl crush is seriously growing. I've always loved her music but I'm starting to really like her as a person too.

Receiving...a lot of support and praise at work. I've been given quite a big challenge for the next academic year and I'm taking it as a massive compliment that they've chosen me to do it.

Reading...The Rosie Effect. Absolutely loving it just like I knew I would. 

Watching....Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (so funny and upbeat!) and too much Dinner Date (massive guilty pleasure).

Wanting...too many cookbooks. So many recipes, so little time!

Counting Summer? Aren't we all!

Waiting...for the Royal baby to be born! Come ooooonnn, I'm just an impatient Royalist here!

So catch me up, what are you loving, reading, cooking at the minute? 

Lots of love,

Sophia :) xxxx

Small, happy and currently! #4

There's no reason for this pup other than it's cute and I guess it was Crufts this weekend so it's slightly relevant?!


It's been a while since I've done a little round up of life and what I'm enjoying, thinking and other various verb-ing(!) at the minute! But before I dive in, it's Spring, how exciting is that?! I can already feel the longer days and sunny spells lifting my mood and it's lovely :)

In that cheerful vein here's my little life lately list!

Watching// 24 season 3 (again!), Modern family, Nashville, GBBO, and on a more serious note: Channel 4's Junk food kids, scary stuff.

Booking// Flights to Singapore!! I can't wait to get planning :)

Appreciating// Being well. I finally seem to be at the end of colds, laryngitis and what not and it makes me realise how lucky I am to not have big health issues all the time.

Wanting// A Victoria's Secret bikini. It's just never a 'good' day to be trying them on is it?! Girls you feel my pain I'm sure!

Hoping// To keep calm and positive and remind myself how well I'm doing at work and to let myself have time to relax too :)

Loving// My overnight oats. Such s revelation. Eating breakfast at work has never been so fun and delicious. It's all about cinnamon...

Reading// Cookbooks galore. Must. Stop. Buying.

Looking forward to// Easter! I know it's still a while yet but I feel all full of Spring at the minute and I can't wait for the holidays and all of the excitement that the sunny weather brings! 

What have you all been loving recently? Any recommendations? Books? Films? Blogs? 

Lots of love,

Sophia :) 

Small, happy and currently #4

First week back into the full swing and here are the things I'm loving, thinking you name if, this start of 2015!

Reading// The Luminaries. I've been diving into this each night when I get home from work, I'm really getting gripped by this and all the rave reviews I've heard are only spurring me on to read!

Wanting// to go and see The Theory of Everything. We've planned to go in a couple of weeks but I've been waiting for this film for so long I want to go now!

Loving// my new Nike trainers. £35 in the sale and they are a dream and so comfy! Feels so good to have upgraded from my clunky, Decathlon cheapos!

Enjoying// my job! It's been a much easier week than I envisaged and I'm really grateful for that. It's started me off on the right foot for this year for sure!

Adding// more to my diary.  I'm taking on extra SATs tutoring for our year 6s at school and also looking to start volunteering at Brownies, really excited for both of these new additions.  Two new ways to give back and I think it'll really enrich my day to day life and make me (and others really) really happy.

Hoping// that everything turns out right for people I care about. My sister's uni living situation is a bit up in the air and it's led to some family tension but I'm hoping it all blows over once she's settled. 

Looking forward to//  exploring the Northern Quarter in Manchester tomorrow, never been to this area properly and I know there's a lot of lovely independent places and I'm looking forward to finding some gems!  Fingers crossed :)

Eating// a new dish! Tonight my boyfriend (we'll call him D from now) and I will be cooking some cod in a tomato and thyme sauce. It's our first foray into this part of the fish world, so I'm excited to add another (successful!) meal to our growing repetoire!

Planning// to do some Rome research!! Boyfriend got the all clear for the Easter holiday so I am desperate to start planning and booking and I will be jumping on any travel blogs I read in the search for some inspiring Rome posts! Know of any?!

So that's what's going on with me right now, how about you? What are you reading, watching, loving etc?

Hope you've all had a relatively easy week back at the grind! I must say it's lovely to see more people reading and interacting with this blog, please feel free to leave comments! One of the main reasons I started this was to meet some lovely people like yourselves from different parts of the world (the modern pen pals I like to think!) so please get in touch, link me to your blogs! :)

Have a lovely weekend, we deserve it!


Sophia x

Small, happy and currently #3

Buying// My last Christmas presents, yeah for real, I am beyond organised!

Watching// Friends with Benefits, as in I'm literally watching it right now, love a bit of Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis.  Who's hotter though, seriously?!  #toughdecisions

Reading// The Rosie Project again, such a funny and heartwarming read.  If you haven't read it, do, please!

Celebrating// Getting my first full time time teaching job!  Officially got a class of my own!  Feels good to finally be settled.

Thinking// About how lucky I am to have so many good people around me who have been such a support.

Coveting// Pretty much the whole ASOS website, so nothing new there.

Trying// To worry less and not put as much pressure on myself.

Debating// What edible gifts to make for family for Christmas presents (any suggestions would be welcomed!)

Loving// All the FESTIVITY!!  Christmas is coming people...

Small, happy and currently... #2

Happy Monday everyone! Another week closer to Christmas! (Sorry I'm not sorry..) here's what I've been loving, doing, lots of other verb-ing recently!

Eating: Muller light greek yoghurts, in all flavours (apart from toffee, too far for me).  They are all soooo delicious. I like to eat them and imagine I look like Nicole Scherzinger whilstdoing it. Although sadly I feel like I'm not quite mullerlicious yet seeing as I'm usually eating them slouched on the sofa with my dressing gown on.  Like right now...mmm raspberry...

Reading: North and South (still!) but also the new Christmas Cosmo with the one and only T Swift on the cover!

Watching: Homeland. Thinking: WTF Carrie?!

Wanting: to start getting seriously festive. The Buble album is itching to come out!

Hoping: for some permanent jobs teaching in my area to come up, fingers crossed.

Deciding: to be as positive as possible, count my blessing not my burdens etc.

Doing: a TON of exercise, between Zumba, step class and this weekend's hour and a half walk I'm feeling pretty fit!

Buying: people's Christmas presents, it's happening, I am getting organised.

Looking forward to: going back home to Sheffield in a few weeks to see the Northern ballet's version of Cinderella at the Lyceum. It's set in Imperial Russia people, think of the costumes!

What are you all up to at the minute? Anything exciting (other then Christmas obvs!) on the horizon?

Hope you've all had a nice, happy Monday, the week only gets better from here!

Small, happy and currently... #1

It's Friday, how fantastic!

It's also my sister's birthday today so that has given me an extra wave of excitement, what can I say, I just love birthdays!  So here's a round up of things I've been reading, loving, thinking about currently.

Reading: North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell.  I love a good period drama and this book has been on my to read list for a while.  It follows the Hale family, in particular the daughter, strong willed Margaret (think Elizabeth Bennett and you're not far off!) as they up sticks and move from their comfortable Southern life to a working class industrial town up North.  See where the title comes in?  Anyway, Margaret has her own ideas about the people who live in Milton town and in particular John Thornton, the factory boss who has hired her father to work as a tutor.  Sparks are going to fly and I'm very excited to see where this one goes.  Also, there's a BBC adaption on Netflix and I've promised myself I won't watch it until I finish!

Eating: some amazing food (if I do say so myself). I've been cooking up a bit of a comfort food storm (healthy though as always) these have included a red lentil dahl, some delicious stir fries and some immense stuffed squash.  I am literally in food heaven right not and I am really appreciating the looser working schedule as it is allowing me to (attempt to) morph into the domestic goddess I have always yearned to be!

Dreaming: about New York.  I had a dream I was back there the other day and it has made me miss the place so much. I never thought you could miss somewhere in such a strong, heart wrenching way but I guess NYC can do that to you.  I can't wait to go back someday but until then I just feel grateful that I have had the chance to go and will keep myself satisfied with looking back at memories and photos.

 Looking forward to: going to Chester tomorrow.  This is another place that very quickly stole my heart.  My sister goes there for university and it's just so beyond pretty that it still makes me just stop and stare (much to the annoyance of the locals I am sure).  The consistency of the beautiful Tudor architecture really makes me feel like I'm in another time.  There's so many lovely shops, restaurants and quirky small streets and I know I have so much more to discover here which is very exciting!

Thinking: about Halloween costumes!  It's my best friend's birthday on Halloween and I need to think of a good costume.  We usually steer away from the typical ghosts, zombies and other such like scary fare.  Although, I have been known to dress up as a cat on several other occasions with other friends (it's just so easy!)  But anyway, my lovely friend is very unique and as such, all our costumes should be too.  I'm thinking either Mary Poppins, Britney in her Baby one more time video or Wednesday Adams.  If you're wondering about how on Earth the first two ideas came into being I have two words for you - Lauren Conrad.

What about you?  What are your current obsessions?  What are you reading/watching?  Do you have any unusual and different Halloween costume ideas?  Let me know!

Sophia x
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