Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts

Small and happy's Disney Friday!

Happy Friday! The last Friday in February too!

For today's Disney Friday it's just a little reminder from Elsa...if you've had anything annoying or frustrating happen this week, just (you know what's coming..) LET IT GOOOO! Whatever's been and gone this week is just that, gone, so it's time to start getting excited for the weekend break! 

Crank up some of your favourite music when you get home tonight and just have a dance around and shake everything off because it's the weekend and you work hard and we deserve some fun! 

I've actually had a really good week but I'm still going to be pumping out the pop tunes when I get home tonight. I might even throw in some Disney...

How do you celebrate it being a Friday?

Any instant happy songs that you play?

Sophia :)


Today #joyfuljanuary is.... #2

Hellooooo there everyone! Hope you're all well and have some exciting Saturday activities planned, even if those plans are simply laying in bed and going nowhere( like me).

So while I've been making an active decision everyday to look at all of the little things that are making this a #joyfuljanuary I realise I haven't actually been documenting it all on here as often as I should! So here goes:

Recently for me #joyfuljanuary has been:

- Adorable mini versions of things. Namely this tiny pomegranate and chia shot drink from Pret a manger as pictures above. I swear if I could eat very meal there I would, happily.

- Some girls in my class telling me that having me as their teacher is like 'winning the top prize at bingo'. I mean, seriously that's what it's all about really, isn't it?

- Hearing that my sister is finally settled in her new uni house. As much as I'm a positive person, if she's down I just worry about her so it's great to hear she's doing well.

- Organising to go out with some of the girls from work. It's nice when you start at a new place to get in with the social side of things as well I always think. Plus I love making new friends (work friennnd!) so this will be really fun and is something I didn't already have planned for January! So that's a bonus!

- Being able simply to lie in and have a green tea today and catch up with some blogs and have some me time. My sister has cancelled her netflix account and I may or may not have been using it so this is something I might need to look into signing up to today! 

- Trying new things. This week I volunteered at Brownies which I didn't love as much as I expected. I was working with children who had too much of everything with no gratitude for their blessings and frankly going from the children I work with everyday who are barely fed and washed and seeing these other children moaning about their daddy's lumpy mash and herby sausages rubbed me up the wrong way! However I am joyful about the fact that I tried something new and learned from it and it made me realise how much I love where I'm working right now.

- Finding another new exercise class to love. Fitness is my jam. I'm lucky that I really genuinely enjoy exercise classes (not spinning mind you, nooo way) and this new aerobics one I did on Wenesday was the perfect combination of toning and cardio so it was right up my street! Next up I'd like to try bikram yoga. There's a class in the northern quarter so I might have to get involved, if I can handle the hipsterness. Or if they can handle me being so mainstream...

- Playing music in the mornings. I've never been one for just having music on in the background, however I've changed with that recently. I'm not really sure why but I've been loving putting on blinkbox music on my phone (get this, it's awesome!) and dancing along to their playlists whilst getting ready for work at 6.30am! Their noughties one is a particular favourite. It really helps me start my day feeling energised and happy! Particular highlights have been Umbrella by Rihanna (remember how good that song was?!) and Crazy in Love! Never too early in the day for a booty shake...

So anyway, so far it's all going pretty well. I'm filling my month with lots of nice, smiley things and I'm finding that it's really making me look at this month so fondly and then I pass on that positive energy to the people around me.

How are you finding January? Done any lovely, exciting things? Know of anything fun to do in Manchester? I'd love some recommendations! 

Lots of love, 
Sophia xxxx

Today #joyfuljanuary is.... #1

- Having a lovely FaceTime last night with my Mum and my sister. Laughing at my Mum being tipsy on the phone and my sister and I winding her up! (We are kind humans.) 

- Knowing that tonight I'm going home to have a date night and we have decided to have a phones off, book club night after cooking a lovely meal together.

It's the little things :)

What small steps have you taken to make your January a bit brighter?


Small and happy's #JOYFULJANUARY (come join!)

People love to hate on January, don't they? It seems like first month of our new year is like the black sheep of the twelve month family. Everyone's grim about going back to work, the next big excitement of summer seems light years away (it's really not) and everyone's being so hard on themselves trying to completely change overnight due to the pressure of new year's resolutions.

I know because I've been there. This time last year I was absolutely dreading January, as in did not want to go back to Leeds where I was deep deep in the trenches of my PGCE. Sure, I was enjoying my course and it was my ticket to qualifying for something over always wanted to do and I knew that. But the idea of going back to Leeds away from my family and boyfriend to go back to 6.30am pick up times and marking books til 7pm and lesson observations and living with noisy international students who were seeing their stint in England as one big party?! No waaaaay, January, I'm not joining the party.

However, before I knew it, not only was January done and dusted (and not as bad as I expected, much like everything in life) but it was February half term and my time at the school I couldn't wait to leave was in fact done. And yep, you guessed it, I was sad to leave.

This made me think that how we see situations are the key factor in how we the situations themselves pan out. If I didn't have it in my head that January was going to be stressful and long and depressing I probably would have enjoyed it much more quickly and it would had made me enjoy my December even more too because I didn't have the looking January dread!

I'm not saying it's easy to be completely positive and love every day with the same kind of Christmas build up, chocolate fuelled, present buying excitement but I am going to take steps this year to make this month a #joyfuljanuary.

I always plan fun things for Decmeber, when in fact this month needs no help being exciting! Our friend January needs a little sparkle injected into it and that's where my #joyfuljanuary idea (which popped into my head on our drive back to Altrincham) comes in.

I am going to set out some fun things I am going to do or get organised in January to help the month look like work interspersed with fun rather than just work and no fun (the basic opposite of December!)

I feel all months should be treated like equal months like this. I am going to aim this year to find and create joy in vevey month, and the little things in every day so that I don't end up spending half the year counting down to Christmas and the other half counting down to summer (totally guilty of this!) 

So in January I pledge to:

* Have a Skype date with one of my best uni friends who is back living in Belfast and have a lovely catch up.

* Do Zumba and step, my two favourite fitness classes as often as possible and see if there's any more fitness classes I want to try out!
* I will go to the cinema (this is already organised, The Theory of Everything on 21st January, see you there Eddie a Redmayne you beauty!)

* Sort out my Mum coming to visit sometime this month. I'm going to try and convince her to see Into the Woods with me. I can't wait to see this and Johnny Depp and Meryl Streep should help me make this an easy sell to her! 

* I will make sure I reach at least page 100 of The Luminaries by the end of the month. I just started it after getting it for Christmas and while it's a mammoth read I'll feel really happy getting into it and getting started! 

* Go visit the Northern Quarter in Manchester. I keep saying I want to explore more of Manchester and the Northern Quarter is still a complete mystery to me so I think my boyfriend and I are going to try and go next weekend. Any recommendations? Pleeeeease nowhere too alternative, I'm a huge Disney fan and my boyfriend will never have a large beard so I already feel we shall stick out like sore (non tattooed, non pierced) thumbs.

So, looking at all that I think that's quite a lot to be excited about for January! I really think this a nice idea just to try and make a little effort to have fun things lined up to help make waving goodbye to Christmas less dramatic and make saying hello to January a bit more joyful!

What about you? Do you have anything nice lined up for January? How do you battle the blues this time of year? What's your favourite time of year in general?

Speak soon!
Sophia x

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