So I've seen lots of these floating around so I felt like having a go, no clue if I'll be able to think of 50 but here goes!
1) I am very small (unsurprising due to the name of this here blog) I'm about 5ft, 5ft 1ish...I wish..
2) I am half Portuguese on my Mum's side and I visit my family there every year.
3) I am currently training to be a primary school teacher (loving it but exhausted!)
4) I love green tea and I am rarely seen without a big mug of it nearby.
5) If I could just eat fruit all day I would.
6) I love pandas.
7) Almost as much as I dislike penguins.
8) I have read each Harry Potter book at least 20 times.
9) I have a birthmark the shape of a pawprint.
10) I speak pretty good French.
11) I love Disney, Disney films and music have got me through many a stressy revision session.
12) New York is my favourite place in the world.
13) I love musicals and the theatre, Billy Elliot is my favourite, I've been four times (should probably spend my money on other things!)
14) I have a younger sister, Alex, who is easily one of my best friends and best things in my life.
15) I can quote every Friends episode word for word.
16) I was Head Girl at school (la-de-dah I know!)
17) I've always been obsessed with anything to do with twins, The Olsens, Sweet Valley High, Enid Blyton and Jacqueline Wilson's twins books.
18) I avoid carbs when I can, they don't like me and I don't like them.
19) I would love a kitten, I've never had anything but fish.
20) I have always had long hair, it is my identity, I can't imagine cutting it!
21) As much as I am career and goal driven (to a crazy extent) part of me dreams of packing it all in and being a stay at home mum to a bundle of kids!
22) I love spellings, I can't bear bad spellings I have to mentally correct them (perhaps this explains the teaching desire?)
23) I studied Psychology at University and used to want to be an Educational psychologist, instead I just diagnose myself and those around me for fun!
24) One of my biggest achievements in life was getting my driving license, it took years (and years off my life!) and many tests but I did it!
25) I own far too any nail varnishes, I never have bare nails.
26) I have one eye that is half brown.
27) If I could do uni again and it did matter about getting a job after I would do English Literature and Classics.
28) I love good old pop, I have the cheesiest music taste ever.
29) I did Cheerleading at uni and was Head Cheerleader in my final year (like to pretend I'm Brooke Davis a la One Tree Hill)
30) I can't nap.
31) I wake up extremely early, all the time, no matter when I've gone to bed.
32) I could happily never eat chocolate for the rest of my life.
33) But I could not give up cocktails, cosmopolitans, mojitos and caipirinhas and my FAVOURITE things ever.
34) I'm addicted to body shop's body butters.
35) The lovely Meg Cabot ( the lady to thank for Princess Diaries) follows me on twitter which makes me so happy as I have obsessively read everything she's written since the age of 11 (she IS my adolescence).
36) Despite my INSANE Disney love, The Swan Princess (a non-disney classic) was the movie I asked for EVERY TIME I went to the video shop as a kid.
37) I have possibly the worst sense of direction you have ever encountered. I get lost in my house.
38) I sleep with a cuddly Panda called Penny, my family and I pretty much act as if she is real...
39) I had my ears pierced at the tender age of 6, which was actually late by my Portuguese family's traditions!
40) I went to an all girls school and loved every minute of it (rare I know!) I miss it so much, the friends I made there are friends for life.
41) Possibly linked to 40, I have very few male friends, I'm fine around guys but I just always seem to choose very feminine endeavours in life!
42) I am extremely not shy (probably to a fault!)
43) I always have bruised legs somehow.
44) I did dancing from the age of 3.
45) I drink my squash extreeeemely strong.
46) I was born really flexible and stretchy (I purely hope this means childbirth will be kind to me!)
47) I love American tv dramas and sitcoms (more than British sorry) also reality tv (Kardashians, The Hills etc) is my guilty pleasure.
48) I love glossy magazines, especially Cosmo, however I can't buy it if I don't like the person on the cover.
49) For some reason I was obsessed with the movie Blue Crush when it came out at the cinema, I thought it was a masterpiece (yes, I still have the DVD).
50) I find it hard to focus on one thing at a time (I am currently reading blogs and watching Come Dine with Me as I do this!)
So there we go, I feel like I know myself better after that haha!
If anyone has done something similar please link me to theirs I am SO nosy! (Fact 51!)
Sophia x
i love Pandas too!! :):) And we actually have a lot in common! glad i cam across you blog! and totally following you on bloglovin! i can't wait till you post more!
ReplyDeletei'd love if you have some time if you could stop by my blog and maybe follow if you want to! thanks! <3 Randa
Hi Randa! My first follower!! Nice to see someone with great animal taste like me haha! You need to do one of these if you haven't already so we can see what else we have in common! I'll definitely pop by your blog :) xxxxxxx