Small and Happy's Christmas!

Merry Christmas one and all!

I hope you had a fabulous, delicious and restful time with your friends, families, pets, partners, whoever and are enjoying this weekend (extra time off!).  We've had snow here so today entailed a trek to Morrison's (for emergency almond milk and carrots!) and more shovelling than a murderer on a dark night!

I shall move swiftly away from that slightly morbid comparison and back to the festivities!  I didn't take many pictures because I'm not a picture person at the best of times but also because I was spending quality time away from my phone and with my favourite people (and my family too....hehe!)

As an adult child of divorce, the festive period can appear to be a tricky sea to navigate but luckily my family is at a place where we can still all spend it together and these last few Christmases have been some of the happiest we've ever had.  I genuinely mean that, I'm not sugar coating it and saying that it's all perfect, but everyone is in a much better place and that has a knock on effect with us all.

Despite this, I know my sister (the taller one, obvs, hence the blog name!) wouldn't mind me saying this, but she is not in the best place with her own mental health and personal worries at the minute so the fact that everyone can come together and get on and enjoy each other's company was honestly the best gift I could have hoped for!!  But alongside that I got some lovely books to sink my teeth into (The Luminaries, The Miniaturist to name a few),some domesticy presents and some of these fabulous adult colouring books that are taking the world (well, Waterstones, so my world in effect) by storm to do in my spare time.

I also aim to treat myself in the sales at some point but it will all be happening online because I can't stand shopping at the best of times!  Helloooooo ASOS petite..

Anyway before my bank account takes a hitting, I have movies to watch and blogs to read so I'm going to stop rambling on!  How were your Christmases?  Any amazing gifts?  What was the best part of your Christmas dinner?  Any plans for NYE?

Sophia x


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