Small, happy on bloglovin?

I may be on bloglovin', this is all extremely new and unusual and I'm not tech savvy at the best of times.  Changed my iPhone today and the guy asked me why my screen was so dark, cue me saying, "you can make it lighter?!" Anyway, I digress and could head into embarrassing anecdotes so I won't but search on bloglovin' and give me follow!!! x

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A new place, a new space ♥

So here we are (or, here I am at least, as I am expecting that I may be the only one here!) almost the end of the year and one of my new year's resolutions is to try and start a blog!  If only as a personal diary for myself and a way to organise my thoughts...

2013 has been crazy, I started the year working full time as a Teaching Assistant in Sheffield which was so rewarding and hard work but really prepared me for my PGCE (but that wasn't until September, I won't get ahead of myself!)

We had that crazy snow which seemed to delay all evidence of Spring or any hope that Summer 2013 would ever come, but it did eventually and I celebrated my 22nd birthday, complete with a fruit cake made my amazing Grandma Carol!  Yes, an actual FRUIT cake, all fruit no cake, perfect for health nut me....

I finished my time at school in June to head off on the BEST trip I have ever had..

I could go on about New York forever, where we spent a blissful, hectic, crazy, exhilarating, tiring two and half weeks however, I feel a whole post is need so I'll park that for now!  

Then it was time to visit my family in Portugal, perfect two weeks bonding with my Mum and Alex, leading such hectic crazy lives and Alex finishing her A-Levels this break had been needed like never before!!  Two weeks on sun, sea, family and true Portuguese traditions of too much food, worrying there wasn't enough food being eaten and basically just other food related worries...

As you can see I am no photographer, I've always been happy to jump in photos but I've never really enjoyed the act of photography, I just love seeing the photos and having the memories!  Luckily Duncan loves taking pictures so we balance each out quite nicely.

Final trip of the year was Barcelona with two of my very best old school friends, we're all working and studying different places so it was lovely to spend a full week together.  It was the week in July where Tom Daley was out there for some diving competition, but sadly we did not cross paths...yes I am aware that he is my little sister's age and is now open is his dating of a man but in my defence, he is too cute, end of.

So that concludes my major travelling of 2013, New York (with VERY short stops in Washington and Philadelphia, the Algarve in Portugal and Barcelona!  I love travelling and it's something I will be writing about a lot here.

I will also be talking about my Primary PGCE of which I am now four difficult months into and already I am looking for the light in at the end of the tunnel and desperately excited to qualify, anyone in the same boat?  Or perhaps there are some NQTs or teachers out there with some wise words?

But mostly this will be a place where I share the things that make this very small person a very small and happy one, which includes book reviews, film and tv reviews, lots of lists (for the OCD teacher side of me!),  wanderlust ideas, pinterest beauts and some motivational and advice posts.  I am an adult child of divorce, a a successful long distance relationship haver and have managed to become a very healthy person after losing weight through the discovery of a much healthier lifestyle, all of which I will be discussing at length for anyone who may be reading and has any interest!

Probably time to sign off now, can't keep pretending this is an escape from doing any work forever!!

Sophia x  
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